update: added sheriff cat
update: changed about page music
update: added "Colorless" webcomic to cool links page
logan: hi!
logan: welcome to my shitty blog.   
logan: enjoy your stay   


my brain: i want to do stuff

me: youre sick.

my brain: i want to do stuff

me: doing stuff is what made you sicker

my brain: i want to do stuff. let me out

me begrudgingly laying in bed eating spaghettios and watching the moomins:

posted 4/29/2019


posted 4/29/2019



posted 4/29/2019


posted 4/29/2019


my brain: i want to do stuff

me: youre sick.

my brain: i want to do stuff

me: doing stuff is what made you sicker

my brain: i want to do stuff. let me out

posted 4/29/2019


posted 4/29/2019


im laying here in nothing but a fluffy bath robe watching buzzfeed unsolved & drinking dandelion tea fucj yeahhh

posted 4/29/2019


i need to stop going outside while im sick

the limitations of humanity are insufferable

me, as a child: oh look at me im a dumb ass child im going to go play in the freezing rain for two hours and come out unscathed

me now: goes outside while its sprinkling for ten minutes and a little chilly to cover up garden, comes down with the chills

posted 4/29/2019


i had a nightmare and woke up after only a few hours of sleep with a throbbing headache

posted 4/29/2019


i wish i had a moomin

posted 4/29/2019


ba da da da dummmm im lovin it

posted 4/29/2019


i wonder what its like to have internet in actual towns

we have like, hella old lines and have like a 7-8 maximum upstream and downstream, meaning like, im never going to get above 5 mbps even if i paid for it because AT&T would be incapable of transmitting that speed through these old ass lines.

my internet speed averages around .1-1.0 mbps.

also every time it rains we lose internet, and like, sometimes just randomly.

internet signal will just drop. and ever since that cell tower went down, I havent had cell signal within a 5 mile radius of here so my phone is useless as an actual phone now. so the internet will go out, and i just go outside and lay in the grass for a while like a feral man until god decides to transmit communication with outside civilization again

posted 4/29/2019


i just found a book in the attic that i apparently stole from the elementary school as a kid.

its a signed book by the author and was written 31 years ago... oops


i mean she was from the area and it was probable she was friends with someone at the school which is why she donated the book, thats why i feel bad

posted 4/29/2019


wtf is this image that keeps showing up in the gif search

posted 4/29/2019


i made a pixel tile moomin background

posted 4/28/2019


i'm listening

posted 4/28/2019


posted 4/28/2019


snufkin: *says some incomprehensible bullshit*

moomin: what?

snufkin: i knew youd understand

posted 4/28/2019


posted 4/28/2019


i think im gonna disappear into the woods for a few days. i am sad

posted 4/28/2019


i work out every day so i can punch people i dont like unrestrained.

have i ever wanted to actually punch someone?


but would i like the option available to me? yes

posted 4/28/2019


guys u should watch Cole the Cornstar on YouTube.

he works on his farm with his dad, who loses his shit over Heinz ketchup for some reason. his dad is lost in the sauce

also its like, super relaxing to watch them harvest and process corn.

posted 4/28/2019


playing osu is like a form of self harm

posted 4/28/2019


i forgot there were some floorboards missing in the attic floor and almost fell through.

posted 4/28/2019


posted 4/28/2019


i wear brightly colored neckerchiefs to indicate that i am poisonous to predators

posted 4/27/2019


look, im a simple person

i see a cat forehead, i kiss it

posted 4/27/2019


i just trimmed the hair around this bastard old man dogs eyes by bribing him with leftover hot dogs.

posted 4/27/2019


me: man its nice outside!

my mom: its been raining for the past 8 hours

me: yeah!

posted 4/27/2019


i knew my farming towns been here since the 1800s but i found out today that it was specifically founded in 1869 ;) ;)

posted 4/27/2019


me: haha, no i dont believe in ghosts!

also me: refuses to hang mirrors in my own home

posted 4/27/2019


why are we still getting snow its almost May

i gotta cover up my damn garden again

posted 4/27/2019


okay its like 4 in the fuckin morning i guess im gonna try to go to sleep

posted 4/27/2019


sorry i wont shut up tonight, im laying in bed with a dumb shit ear infection and sick and cant sleep

posted 4/27/2019


i have slippers that look like sloths and i think theyre just swell




my mom got them for me for Christmas because i keep going outside and getting stung by bees bcuz i refuse to wear actual shoes

posted 4/27/2019


me: wanna go ape shit and break shit!!

me: doesnt move from bed, watches first ten seasons of sponge bob on shuffle for 4 hours instead.

posted 4/27/2019


i live in a town that isnt even really a town, we have a maximum of 700 people living here, which is being generous. its a village more like, and most importantly, its a farming settlement. it has been since it was founded in the 1800s, theyre all farmers here, or working in agriculture in some shape or form.

but someone voted an asshole into the town council or something so they keep trying to go around gentrifying everything even though like. half of us here are farmers and the other half are just elderly people trying to live their lives, so idk what they think theyre doing. if theyre like, trying to attract tourists or encourage people to move in here, so they can gentrify it even more? idk.

there is like that One part of town thats like, three homes at most that is upper middle class middle-aged teacher moms who do landscaping as a hobby, like. You know how it is. So Im thinking theyre the culprits.

But so far, the town has made it illegal to own farm animals so everyone had to get rid of their backyard chickens, and ive now been fined for just OWNING a trash can, because having a trash can is unsightly.

they also enforced a law that you can only have two dogs outside at a given time, but since we have a fence, the cops wouldnt know we dont give a shit about that anyway.

they also made it illegal to have weeds in your yard, you can be fined for having so much as dandelions. again, thankful i have a fence and they cant see shit. why do yall hate the bees

were also supposed to keep our trash until trash day, but since were not allowed to have trash cans anymore, it all gets thrown into the trash closets so the whole town is teeming with rats.

there is no point to this, i just think its funny that a bunch of entitled moms are trying to turn a farm community into a gentrified town when only a few hundred people live here, because theyre just. demons

if they keep it up im gonna start taking all my heirloom home grown tomatoes and throw them at their windows.

posted 4/27/2019


i opened commissions on deviantart and i keep getting people asking me how many are you willing to do at once like they plan on loading them onto me en masse just because theyre cheap.

like,, i only draw as a hobby. i am tired. let me live

posted 4/27/2019


did i just get called out by shane

posted 4/26/2019


an inspiration

posted 4/26/2019


i miss when stores had paper grocery bags.

posted 4/26/2019


crystal minuet cover i did, heres the tabs

posted 4/25/2019


I wish pop tarts didnt have so much sugar, they hurt my teeth.

posted 4/25/2019


me, feeding my plants compost made of their dead forefathers: eat, eat and grow strong young ones, like the ones before you that you now consume

posted 4/24/2019


art trade for killermakachop on da.

posted 4/24/2019


A bunch of red worms found their way into my compost bin, which is awesome because theyre vermiposters. theyre a type of earthworm that eats through organic matter to help break it down. welcome to my humble abode, noodles

posted 4/24/2019


posted 4/23/2019


people: we should teach kids in school about other sexualities because they should know about them and know theyre okay

asexuals: ok cool

people: ew not you stop sexualizing kids

posted 4/22/2019



posted 4/22/2019


posted 4/22/2019


posted 4/22/2019


posted 4/22/2019


posted 4/21/2019


the plants survived the cold temperatures overnight!

posted 4/21/2019


i went to illinois to get groceries today. and nothing really eventful happened there and back.. but when i got back home, i randomly decided to hem my jeans by hand. and i actually

they look great and im not stepping on them anymore

and i put in a new pocket too.

posted 4/20/2019


listening to drunks and dragons episode 4 and realizing at the end of the episode this entire quest was just a reenactment of thanksgiving

posted 4/19/2019


after moving my plants outside into the garden, it dropped to 40 degrees today.

it’s not going to instantly kill them, but it’s not good for them.

all i can do is hope that it doesn’t drop below freezing, because that would be certain death.

it’s mid april and it was 70 degrees outside when i planted them.. so i thought it was safe to assume near-freezing temperatures were over with.

i guess i was wrong

posted 4/17/2019


posted 4/18/2019


posted 4/17/2019


just transplanted my second gen. plants to the garden. hope they all make it

posted 4/17/2019


posted 4/17/2019


kiriban prize for dark-arctic-fox on deviantart.

posted 4/17/2019